Breast Augmentation FAQ
Breast augmentation surgery : Frequently asked questions
Surgery for breast asymmetry
Asymmetry in breasts is normal, but big differences can affect women's confidence.

Everyone has some asymmetry in their body parts.
It is not surprising that the breasts are slightly different in shape and size on both sides.
If this asymmetry is severe enough, you may need breast asymmetry correction.
The most important part of breast asymmetry correction is to determine the exact cause of the asymmetry.
This can be done through a variety of diagnostics and consultations, including precise sizing and examination of internal tissues.
to determine the cause of your breast asymmetry.
Based on the data obtained through this, a surgical plan is made and surgery is performed accordingly,
By placing different sizes of implants according to the size of both breasts
breast asymmetry can be corrected.
Is breast asymmetry common?
Is breast asymmetry common?

Breast asymmetry is common. It means that one breast is different from the other. About half of all women have noticeable breast asymmetry.
This can be a small difference or a bigger one. Mild breast asymmetry is normal and not a cause for concern. If you notice a sudden or significant change in breast size or shape, see a specialist. Breast asymmetry can occur during normal development and puberty. Hormonal changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and aging can also contribute to breast asymmetry. In some cases, breast asymmetry may also be attributed to certain medical conditions or prior breast surgeries.
How can breast asymmetry be fixed with surgery?

There are different ways to correct breast asymmetry.
If the asymmetry is due to different breast sizes, breast augmentation with implants can be done. Implants of different sizes can help achieve balance. The surgeon will assess the breasts and recommend the right implant sizes to achieve symmetry.
If one breast is much larger than the other, a breast reduction can be done to make them the same size. This procedure removes extra tissue and reshapes the breast to make it more symmetrical.
If breasts sag or droop, a breast lift can be done. This procedure involves moving the breast tissue, removing excess skin, and lifting the breast. The surgeon can also change the shape and size of the breast to improve symmetry.