Breast Augmentation FAQ
Breast augmentation surgery : Frequently asked questions
Breast implants types /ideal breast implant / most natural breast implants / Motiva Implants / Breast implants
How do I choose my breast implants? I want to have breast surgery. There are many types of breast implants, and I am very worried about which one to choose. What should I look for when choosing a breast implant?

There are hundreds of different types of breast implants available today.
This can make it difficult for patients to know what to look for in a breast implant.
While it can be left entirely to the surgeon’s judgment, it is important for patients to have knowledge about breast implants to avoid any possible dissatisfaction.

Breast implants are divided into textured, smooth, and microtextured depending on the shell, round and teardrop depending on the shape, and three different degrees depending on the fill rate and strength of the cohesive gel inside.
They are also divided into low, moderate, and high projection depending on the height of the implant.
The choice of implant can be made based on the individual breast condition and the preferences of the doctor or patient, but with so many cases, it’s not a simple matter.
Based on my experience to date, the breast implants that work best for sagging breasts are round, high projection, cohesive gel, and micro-textured implants.
Micro-textured breast implants are smaller versions of the round implants with smaller bumps, and they have the benefits of both smooth and textured implants, with a better feel and fewer side effects.
Currently, Motiva implants are widely used, and other companies are developing similar products.

Different companies use their own names, such as smooth fme or silk surface, and they are sometimes called nanotextured, which is smaller than microtextured, but they are almost like smooth breast implants.
Nowadays, breast implant companies are actively marketing to their customers, so sometimes patients have already decided on their implants before they visit the doctor.
Some women come to us with the right breast implant, while others are stuck with an implant that isn’t right for them.
When choosing a breast implant, it’s best to objectively weigh the pros and cons of different implants, and to have a consultation to find the best fit for you, rather than relying on company advertisements or other people’s reviews.